



Before we invest our time and money and effort in learning a skill. We all want to know, how can we monetize that skill? How can we earn from that skill? Right. So this video is all about understanding what are the ways in which you can earn money using digital marketing. So do stay till the end. It's going to be a fun video. If you are new here, don't forget to subscribe and hit the like Button, 

so welcome back to another episode of becoming Alpha marketer. This is episode number 9 and your go to show to become a better marketer, save time, and earn more money. Okay. So how do you earn money using digital marketing? Okay now before I explain the various ways of earning money using digital marketing. Let me give you a quick understanding of what is marketing again.

 I know. people from various backgrounds are watching this video. So for people who are just starting with marketing is a quick introduction about what exactly is marketing. Okay, the first of all, let's assume that you have a customer a prospective customer who has a problem. 

Okay, and you have a product and if you can communicate to that particular prospective customer that your product can solve their problem. Okay, then they will be happy right when you solve their problem they will be happy so that solving the problem is made when you actually communicate that you can do that. You are product can do that your service can do that. Okay, that's when a sale happens. Right? So the whole Communication business is what you call marketing. Okay. 

So marketing is nothing but Communication in a systematic manner so that it persuades the prospective customer to buy. Okay, so that is marketing for you. Okay.So now let's understand if you get this skill, if you acquire this marketing skill how you can monetize it. Okay. So there are three options for you to monetize this digital marketing skill. Okay. Again, there is a thin line between marketing and digital marketing. 

Marketing is in general communication so that it spreads awareness and eventually people buy. Digital marketing is doing that Exact process through digital mediums like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Etc anything and everything that you do over the internet to communicate persuade and make people buy okay. So there are three options. First one is you work for someone.

 Okay, you have learnt this Digital marketing skill you go join a company as an employee and you work for someone there are many verticals in digital marketing like a content writing, copywriting, SEO, Facebook ads, Google ads so many different separate verticals. You can choose any one of those and start working. Okay, so there are pros and cons for each options that are going to discuss here when it comes to job.

 The pro is that it is safe. You don't have to spend anything extra just go get a job and every month you get a salary a fixed amount as salary. Okay, and slowly slowly you will, you know increase your income with experience. And with a prices every year that's how it goes. Okay, the call of going for a job is that you know, it depends on the companies that you join. Okay in most cases when you join as the digital marketer, you will be given a specific task to do. Let's assume you are into content and if you're asked to write blogs then for six months or one year, you will be writing only blogs. 

Okay it will be like, you know, you are a cog in a big Machine, okay, you are just doing one thing repeatedly again and again and again and you're not getting exposed to other areas of marketing. Okay see in marketing if you want to be truly effective as a marketer is going to be truly effective. You need to understand the entire buyer Journey entire customer Journey like how you attract them with an advertisement how you hook them with your message how you can take them through your sales process how you can get them something for free then make them your Lead eventually communicate with them systematically so that they get persuaded and you can sell your product.

 There's a whole science behind understanding the different, you know parts of the customers Journey, right? So if you want to become an effective marketer, you should learn that entire journey in a much faster way. Okay, unfortunately when you go for a job that learning curve is actually slow. Okay you will need a lot. More time maybe like after two years, three years, four years, you get exposed to various areas of marketing and then you learn about it. 

That's the only you know con with going for a job. But again, if you are a college fresher just passing out and you want to explore digital marketing going for a job is the best way because that is when you can learn from somebody else's money, right you go the company will invest money in marketing you go, learn, make mistakes, keep learning. Iterating, keep improving and become a better marketer. Okay, that's option. Number one for you option. Number two with the marketing skill that you have with the one that you learn you can sell someone else's product. Okay, and this can be done. 

If you are a freelancer. Okay, you can become a freelancer you have the marketing skill you can use this to help other businesses, small businesses to actually, you know get customers online. You can design their website you can design their landing pages. You can create lead magnets for them. You can create Facebook ads for them. You can help them create a you know, email series.

 You can help them create a webinar, a video, sales video, right? All those things you can offer as freelance services and you can earn money out of it. Okay. So this way you are like your own boss you can work from anywhere Digital marketing is like you can work with a laptop. Good internet connection and a phone. That's it. Maybe some software you will require to work on this. But otherwise, it's a very very low investment opportunity where you can become a freelance marketing consultant.

 Okay, the other way of selling somebody else's product is affiliate marketing because there are so many products on the internet who are willing to give a commission if you sell their products, okay, so you have your marketing skill with that marketing skill if you can promote somebody else's Product you will get paid for it. Okay, that is affiliate marketing for you. 

And if you are good at creating content, you can even consider doing YouTube channels, podcasting, you know becoming an influencer in your industry, in your Niche and then that way also you can earn money as a digital marketer. Okay. So again, there are pros and cons for this option. also. The pros is that you will have freedom you can work with anybody you want. You can decide your work timing. And the reward is also very good. Like, you know, you can there is no limit to how much you can earn the more sales. 

You make the more commissions you get the more commissions means more money that you make with your business right with your freelance gig or affiliate marketing gig or becoming a YouTube or whatever it is. Okay. The con is that there is risk involved. There is no predictable Revenue initially when you start when you start in the beginning you won't get  you know clients.

 You will have to you know, work for free for some people get your portfolio ready get your you know, testimonials so it will take some time to you know, get things rolling. So our initial period is going to be difficult where you will have to go through go through some hardships. Okay, we'll make many mistakes in the process. But once you figure out once you figure out how you can service clients using your freelance marketing skills, then things will shoot up because You crack one client then finding second third fourth will be very easy. Okay, that first sale is going to be the difficult one, but you will eventually get but you should be willing to take that risk in the initial phase.

 Same thing. If you start a channel on YouTube right initial five ten hundred videos, you might not get that many views, but you have to keep doing it over a period of time when you when you are consistent. Okay, then you start getting views, right? So the initial You know journey is going to be difficult. That is the biggest con about becoming a freelance, you know marketer or like when you when you are going out to sell someone else's product. Okay, but otherwise the upsides are also very very good. Okay.

 Now the third option is when you sell your own product, okay. Now you have your marketing skill and with that marketing skill you are if suppose if you have a physical product to sell like a t-shirt, shoes, watches you can open. Ecommerce store and sell physical products using your digital marketing skill. You can run Facebook ads, you can run Google ads you can run YouTube ads and sell those products. Okay, if you are somebody who has a specific skill like, you are a motivational speaker. You are a public speaker.

 You are you know, you are into meditation, you know Stress Management some skill that you have drawing, painting, yoga, therapy all those knowledge that you have can be, you know made into a digital product and You can even sell your digital product. Okay, that option is also there that you can monetize using your digital marketing skills. Okay, but again pros and cons are there for this option also.

 The pro is that you get a hundred percent margin of the product you sell because it is your product and you are the owner of it and income potential is unlimited the more you sell the more money you make this no salary cap or there's no income gap.

 You can earn as much you can, depending upon how fast you can grow okay. The con is that again same like starting your own freelance business the initial phase is going to be difficult initially when you start you will not get the the required sales but you will have to keep on doing it optimize the process as you learn you keep on growing improving and that's when you're you know business starts growing okay so in again initial phases is going to be the risky again you will have to invest some money to start a business that is also there but in the long run the rewards are going to be better okay so to illustrate the difference between going for a job and starting something of your own I have a simple graph for you okay let's assume you have one axis which is about the income okay the other axis is about the time okay so when you start your you know career as an employee right you start off good because you're getting a fixed income Every month and you go for a job, right and every year you will have a salary hike you will have an appraisal or you might change jobs, right? So which time your income is actually increasing is good. All is good at until some point when something inevitable happens suppose

. The company is running into a loss or there's a pandemic if there is some economic crisis, then you might even lose a job. Okay or after a point you can't work then. You will have to be retired right then you are Income starts declining right a far end of your career. The income is unstable. Okay, the same time like to start as an entrepreneur if you start your own business, okay, the initial journey is going to be very, you know, tough. Okay. So when you start sometimes you will not even earn any income for a couple of months or couple of years. Okay, but you had to keep doing it you'll be doing a lot of mistakes, but you'll be learning fast also. 

But once you learn from your mistakes, once you crack your product once you crack your market, then the income starts accumulating. Okay, and then it like goes over the roof. Okay, so that is the big difference between, you know going for a job and starting your own business. Okay. So if you want someone who is just out of college, then I will strongly recommend go and do a job.

 Okay, go get a digital marketing. A job learn for some four five years after that think about becoming a freelance digital marketing consultant. Okay, and once you become a freelance consultant you work with many clients learn those knowledge learned that experience will learn things very fast. After that. You can even start your own coaching business. You can be a trainer you can be a consultant or if you have a product that you want to sell you can sell that okay for people who are in that mid careers, okay? Then if you already experienced the industry, you have worked somewhere for 4 to 5 years.

 And then if you want to start something of your own then definitely you can consider starting as a marketing freelancer. Okay, learn the marketing skill and apply it practically and then you can create your own portfolio and start your career as a marketing freelancer. Okay, why because more than ever now, there are a lot of small businesses who are actually We going online. Okay lot of gym instructors yoga teaches music teachers right doctors, dentist, physiotherapist. There are so many small small businesses that are going online, but they don't know how to get customers because that is not their strength, right? So they are in search of people. Okay, the freelance consultant who can take that responsibility of setting up, Online funnel, online system that can convert strangers into customers for them. Okay. 

So if you are somebody who is interested in becoming a digital marketing consultant, freelance digital marketing consultant, and if you want to be coached by me, then I have a free training for you. It's called the six step formula to become a freelance digital marketing consultant Be Your Own Boss work from home and enjoy doing what you love. Okay, it's a free. Raining just go to this link alphamarketer.in/coaching And once you go here, you will have a training where you will learn what all things are required to become a freelance digital marketing consultant. Okay, and at the end I will be inviting you for my 12-week intensive coaching program where you will be coached by me and my team to become a freelance marketing consultant will be given all the training all the templates all you know. shortcuts and all the resources to become an effective digital marketing consultant. Okay.

So this is not for everybody. So it is by application only so at the end you will add application form fill in the form and if you are a right fit for the program one of my team members will get in touch with you. And if you if you qualify then we can work together and we will teach you you will train you to become a freelance digital marketing consultant. So that brings us to the end of this. This video. I hope you got value and you understood the various ways to earn income as a digital markete

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