

How to Learn New Skill



. In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. Our first sponsor is Belcampo Meat Company. Belcamp Meat The company is a regenerative farm in Northern California with organic grass-fed and grass-finished certified humane meats. I eat meat about once a day. I'm neither pure carnivore nor am I a vegetarian. Obviously, I eat meat. 

The way I eat is I tenuto fast until about noon and then I have my first meal which generally consists of a piece of beef. It's either ground beef or a steak. I like ribeyes, I like flat irons, these kinds of things and a small salad, sometimes a large salad. And then throughout the day, I generally am low carb until the evening when I eat pasta and rice and things of that sort. Eating that way is what optimizes my levels of alertness and optimizes my sleep. I've talked about this on previous podcast episodes, Now, because I eat meat essentially every day, the source of that meat is extremely important to me. I want it to be healthy for me and I want the animals that it comes from to be healthy and to have lived a good life. Conventionally raised animals are confined to feedlots and they eat a diet of inflammatory grains, which is terrible for them and it's terrible for us when we eat those meats. Belcamp's animals graze on open pastures and seasonal grasses, which results in meat that is higher nutrients and healthy fats. They actually have very high levels of Omega threes which I've also talked about on this podcast, are important for mental and physical health for a variety of reasons. The way Belcamp raises its animals is also good for the environment

These are central pattern generators which are sometimes called CSPGs, excuse me, CPGSs, CSPGs are something entirely different in biology.

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